Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Critical Analysis of Our Filming

We have previously just filmed the main part of our title sequence. We then edited it (together) to see what works and what doesn't. Me and my group have have to the conclusion that we are going to re shoot. Together, we watched and analysed our short film critically to see if their were an extreme amount of negatives. There appear to be several small or big mistakes which have occurred in our title sequence that we need to re shoot. However, we wanted to re shoot everything so that it would be better.

It was evident to us that the most fundamental issue which  appeared from the first sequence. The sequencing was not effective and clear enough for the viewers because of the poor and lack of camera shots which would make it hard to understand and engage into our narrative. To improve this we are going to make sure that we have more camera shots to make sure the high quality sequencing is reinforced throughout. Additionally  the mise-en-scene was a problem too as her make up seemed slightly over dramatic. We now know that when it comes to re shooting we can make sure her make up is more authentic. Furthermore, the diagetic sound was very good as it made the sequence sound very realistic  However, we are (still) struggling to find music which will fit into the second part of our sequence and this is becoming quite a big problem within our coursework. In terms of editing, me and my group seem to be successful. I think that with the camera shots we have made we have made a smooth sequence (as to what it could be) and a slight good sense of continuity. However, the one issue with editing is the transitions. We have used about 5 transitions (ATM) and the one of the ones we have used does not appear to fit in because of the poor continuity in this part of the sequence. This is something we will improve upon when it comes to re shooting  Even though we do not get marked upon our acting we decided it would be better to make our actor look a bit more drunk so that we have that sense of realism within our title sequence. This will also expand the amount of different shots we do which wil also be very helpful.

Overall, even though we have decided to re shoot I am very satisfied and content with what me and my group have produced. We have all worked very hard towards this and struggled slightly in some parts (for example  the first shoot). However, clearly highlighting the errors we have made will help us as we can now re shoot and correct them.

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