Sunday, 6 January 2013

Representation of Age - How should I represent the age of my character?

As in class we have never focused on the representation of age I have decided to look into it as I am using a girl aged 16 in my coursework piece and it would be helpful to see how young people are represented. It will also give me a detailed insight on how age can be represented and if it is effective or not. I am also going to be focusing on location and mise-en-scene and see what affect the location has on the characters as I want to make sure when me and my group decide where we exactly want our piece to take place it needs to be effective and make the coursework piece authentic. I have only done a short summary focusing on how age is being represented so that I have a wider understanding on the effective way to represent different age groups. Overall, I am content with what I have found out as it will help me when making my coursework piece as I understand now that different age groups can be represented differently. I now know that young people are represented in a positive and innocent way as they do not have much experience in the working world. This will help me when coming to thinking about costume of my character because it may be good and effective if we try and make our protagonist look innocent in the costume.

Short summary of the extract:

The extract opens in a wide, long shot which introduces some middle aged man. Each of the men are represented in a positive way as it is evident they are working and earning a living; this is displayed through the props such as the shovels and large forks they are using. It is also inferred through the costume such as the  checkered t-shirts and large, over sized coats to keep them warm, connoting the work is mainly outside. The sound such as the non diagetic music creates a light hearted, soothing tone as it is slow country music, which also links to the costume. It is also significant that all of the characters are men as it is representing them as strong and independent  There is a straight cut to, two young characters; a male and female. Each of the characters are wearing clean, comfortable clothes which is contrasted with the characters which are previously displayed. They both almost look out of place because of the mise-en-scene and it also connotes their current lifestyle is reasonably easy as they have the time to lounge around and displays their lack of experience as their clothes are tidy and spotless. When the old man arrives he is shot at a low angle, connoting the dominance and power he has within the scene, however, because he is marginalised it implies he  does not have much importance. The two juxtaposing ideas will engage the reader as it is unclear if the age is being represented in a positive or negative way. The use of the mise-en-scene such as the costume demonstrate his wealth as he is wearing a suit, connoting he is upper class in society  This is representing his old age in a good way due to the fact he cares about the way he presents himself in public. The location also plays a part in how the representation of middle and old age is. Both the middle aged man and the old aged man have a drink in a rich room; the large windows and bookcases are iconic of the wealthy lifestyle. At the end of the extract the young girl and middle aged man have a heated debate and the man is portrayed as the more powerful one. This is through the use of the high angle up to him, and the low angle pointing down at her, representing her as weak, naive and vulnerable. 

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